301.00 Credit Card Policy

The Vice President of Business Affairs may check out a corporate credit card to college employees and members of the Board of Directors, including employees with recurring approved business expenses or frequent business travel. Employees may temporarily check out a credit card through the Business Office for preapproved expenses. Credit cards may be used for guaranteeing purchases of equipment, travel costs, group meals, food for cookouts, and other special college events. College credit cards may not be used for unauthorized personal expenses or for the purchase of tobacco or alcoholic products.

Participation in the credit card program is considered a privilege and convenience that carries responsibilities. Issuance of a credit card must be approved by the employer’s supervisor.

Individuals who have a college credit card are responsible for the security of the card. If college credit cards are lost are stolen, the individual must notify the Vice President of Business Affairs immediately.

All expenses or travel to be charged to a college credit card must be preapproved. Individuals with college credit cards must submit the credit card statement with attached purchase orders in a timely manner. Any charge lacking appropriate documentation may be considered an unauthorized or inappropriate use of the college credit card.

Unauthorized or inappropriate use of a college credit card may result in disciplinary action for the cardholder, which could include loss of credit card privileges, termination of employment, and/or criminal prosecution. Furthermore, cardholders will be held personally liable for all unauthorized purchases.


Adopted: Policy has been in place prior to Sept. 2003
Reviewed: September 2020
Revised: 10/16/2020

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Salish Kootenai College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Salish Kootenai College | PO Box 70 | 58138 US Highway 93 | Pablo, MT 59855 | 406.275.4800.