257.00 Leave Without Pay

Leave without pay may be authorized under the following conditions and stipulations:

  1. The President may grant a full-time employee leave without pay for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days.  Requests for leave without pay for longer periods of time must be approved by the Board.
  2. College staff is encouraged to work on advanced degrees.  In most instances leave without pay request will be approved for a period up to three years.  Leave request will be subjected to the impact the completed leave conditions will have on the College.   Considerations include, but are not limited to the following:
    1. If the leave is to complete a college degree, will this improve the overall effectiveness of SKC?
    2. If the leave is for travel, will the results of the completed travel help the College improve?
    3. If the leave is for the employee to work in an internship, will this help the overall College program?
    4. Will the leave of absence cause hardship on the College and cost the College more than the benefits to be gained?
  3. The position held by the employee prior to the leave will not be available to said employee if the employee does not fulfill the obligations of the leave without pay.  Employment upon return from the leave without pay status may not be available if the position held prior to leave does not exist.  This could be due to loss of funding or reorganization.  If the conditions of the leave are fulfilled, and the position no longer exists the employee will be eligible for in-house hiring for a period of three (3) months from the termination date of the leave without pay.
  4. Applications for a leave without pay should be made at least three (3) months prior to the requested starting date. The application must be made in writing, state the intended dates for the leave, the obligations to be fulfilled by the applicant and a brief statement of the benefits to be gained from the leave.


Adopted: Policy has been in place prior to Sept. 2003
Revised: 8/21/13
Reviewed 10/2017, 8/2020

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Salish Kootenai College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Salish Kootenai College | PO Box 70 | 58138 US Highway 93 | Pablo, MT 59855 | 406.275.4800.