706.00 Use of Joe McDonald Health & Fitness Center

  1. Use of Joe McDonald Health Facility and Sherri McDonald Hospitality Room
    Use of the gym and facility is a privilege and it is expected that individuals and groups will use all areas wisely, safely, and follow all procedures in place. Use of the facility by employees, students, youth, community members, and community entities is subject to procedures as defined in Procedure 309.50, Use of the Joe McDonald Health Facility.
    The Health & Fitness Center staff is required to ensure that all policies and procedures are enforced.  Violations of the policies and/or will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the premises, suspension from future use of the facilities, or other disciplinary processes.
    The use of drugs and alcohol is not permitted in any SKC facility including the Joe McDonald Health Facility.
  2. Scheduling
    The Director of the Health and Fitness Center has the ultimate scheduling authority.  All schedules and fee assignments for the facility will be established and maintained by the Director.  Priority for scheduling is given to SKC classes first, SKC student events second, and community events third.
    All use of the facility, including daytime, evenings, and weekends, must be scheduled and approved before use as per procedure. The Director of the McDonald Health Facility has the ultimate scheduling authority. All schedules and fees assignments for the facility will be maintained by the Director. Priority for scheduling is given first to SKC classes, second to SKC student events, and third to community events.


Adopted: 9/7/11
Revised:   1/15/2021

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Salish Kootenai College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Salish Kootenai College | PO Box 70 | 58138 US Highway 93 | Pablo, MT 59855 | 406.275.4800.