308.40 Other Travel Expenses

Usual charges for rental cars, taxies or other ground transportation, buses, parking or other related transportation expenses will be reimbursed. Expenses are to be explained and receipts are required for any of these expenses that exceed $25.00.  Fuel reimbursement will be to the exact cent. Except for meal expenses, money received in advance must be accounted for by receipts or returned to the Business Office.  College insurance covers rental car insurance.  Any extra insurance coverage purchased or chosen by the employee at the time of renting a car will not be reimbursed by the College. Employees may check out a college credit card for preapproved car rental.


Adopted: Policy has been in place prior to Sept. 2003
Reviewed: 8/2020
Revised: 9/2003, 4/27/18, 9/16/2020

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Salish Kootenai College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Salish Kootenai College | PO Box 70 | 58138 US Highway 93 | Pablo, MT 59855 | 406.275.4800.