161.00 Institutional Planning Process

The Strategic Plan sets the long-term direction of the College and provides major college-level priorities. The Strategic Plan is developed through a collaborative and comprehensive process that includes input from stakeholders including the SKC Board of Directors (the Board), SKC Administration, SKC faculty and staff, students, and members of the community.

  1. A strategic planning process will be conducted every five to seven years or as needed. The plan will identify key goals and strategies to increase fulfillment of institutional mission over a specific period, usually five years. The strategic planning process will provide for evaluation of adequacy of resources and effectiveness of operations as directed toward achievement of the mission and mission objectives.
  2. The planning process also includes consideration of factors external to the institution that will impact institutional function as well as data utilized to evaluate the current status of operations as well as institutional and program effectiveness.
  3. The plan will be reviewed at an annual planning meeting and updated as appropriate according to changes in internal or external factors or newly identified institutional priorities. Any changes to the Strategic Plan must be approved by the Board.
  4. In addition to the Strategic Plan, other long-range planning will include:
    1. Technology Plan
    2. Academic Master Plan
    3. Facilities Master Plan
  5. Annual Planning and Budgeting
    1. The Board will review the Strategic Plan and Board Goals at an annual planning meeting in preparation for the budgeting process.
    2. The Strategic Plan, Board Goals, President’s Goals, and Department Goals, and review of data provide direction for short-term institutional planning and budgeting.
    3. Academic and nonacademic department goals are determined through an annual planning process aligned with mission objective planning. These goals are provided to the administration and the Board prior to the annual planning meeting and considered in the annual budgeting process.
      1. Using the mission and mission objectives as well as department priorities, the administrative and academic units begin the annual planning and evaluation process by determining their own unit goals and expected outcomes for meeting those goals.
      2. Departments annually measure their achievement in meeting goals using pre-determined assessment methods, report and analyze results, and decide whether improvements are needed based on the results.
      3. A summary report shall be presented
  6. In case of financial exigency, major revisions to the budget will be determined by the President and approved by the Board.


Adopted: Policy has been in place prior to Sept. 2003
Revised: 7/17/13, 1/13/2016; 7/15/2020
Reviewed: April 2015

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Salish Kootenai College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Salish Kootenai College | PO Box 70 | 58138 US Highway 93 | Pablo, MT 59855 | 406.275.4800.