260.50 Types of Corrective Disciplinary Actions

Corrective discipline will be used as a method of dealing with unsatisfactory performance or misconduct of employees.  It will be used to provide the employee with an opportunity to become aware of and correct the misconduct or performance.  Copies signed by employee and supervisor will be submitted to the Human Resource Officer and placed in the employee’s personnel file.

The type and degree of disciplinary action will be determined by the nature of the offense. It is not necessary that the types of corrective discipline be applied sequentially.

  1. Written Corrective Action – When an employee requires corrective attention, the employee’s supervisor shall discuss the reason for corrective attention in a timely manner and outline corrective action.  The written Corrective Action shall include the nature of the deficiency or infraction; the required means of correction, appropriate timeline, and the possible resulting action (suspension, or termination) if improvement is not made.
  2. Suspension – The President may, with just cause, suspend an employee without pay for one (1) to thirty (30) days.  The employee will not accrue leave during the suspension period.  Documentation of the suspension shall be placed in the personnel file.
  3. Termination – If the employee is to be terminated, the employee will be notified in writing of the action.


Adopted: Policy has been in place prior to Sept. 2003
Revised: March 2005, 8/21/13
Reviewed January 2018

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Salish Kootenai College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Salish Kootenai College | PO Box 70 | 58138 US Highway 93 | Pablo, MT 59855 | 406.275.4800.