237.10 Full-time Faculty Responsibilities

I. Full-time faculty members are expected to work a full 40-hour workweek.  Times and locations will be flexible according to needs of individual departments and faculty.  Job duties per the faculty position description must be fulfilled. 

Full-time faculty members will designate six (6) hours per week for on-campus consultations with students, as well as post current hours at the office. Responsibilities for full time faculty include course instruction, program administration and assessment, advising, student supervision, and campus committee participation. Additional duties may include grant administration, research, and other non-teaching duties as defined by the faculty position description, and approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Faculty teaching loads should not exceed 15 credits per quarter or forty-five (45) credits per academic year without adjusted compensation. A faculty member whose teaching load exceeds forty-five (45) credits per academic year will be compensated for the additional credits on an equitable basis as requested by the faculty member and approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

II. Department Chair Responsibilities

In addition to full-time faculty duties, Department Chair responsibilities include budgeting, scheduling, faculty evaluation and program assessment and planning, committee participation and other department management tasks as needed.  The Department Chair facilitates communication between the department and the SKC administration and staff, helps disseminate institutional information to students and faculty in the department, and includes member faculty input, requirements and needs in department decision-making. The Department Chair is responsible for coordinating member faculty, and promoting a productive and collegial working environment within the department.

The department members, Department Chair, Division Dean, and the Vice President of Academic Affairs shall assist in the determination of additional the responsibilities of the Department Chair.  These responsibilities will be recorded in the Department Chair Position Description and kept on file for reference and revision as needed.

III. Division Dean Responsibilities

The Division Dean will coordinate the collective efforts of the departments, which have been combined into a division due to common curriculum, students, faculty, objectives and/or funding. The Division Dean will work closely with the division member Department Chairs and to facilitate planning, budgeting, assessment and decision making for the departments included in the division.


Adopted: Policy has been in place prior to Sept. 2003
Revised: April 2006, 8/21/13, 2/10/17, 6/21/19
Reviewed 3/17

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Salish Kootenai College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Salish Kootenai College | PO Box 70 | 58138 US Highway 93 | Pablo, MT 59855 | 406.275.4800.