The Tribal Council of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes appointed a seven-member board of directors to varying terms of office to carry out the powers and duties of the corporation. The Tribal Council further specified the duties of the Board as follows:
- To participate in the planning, development, operation, and evaluation of the college program.
- To formulate goals, objectives, and policies for SKC which are consistent with the guidelines stipulated by the U. S. Office of Education and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.
- To assure that job preference for the reservation component be given to applicants who are aware of the sociological, cultural, and educational values, customs, and traditions of the Salish and Kootenai people.
- Select, appoint and regularly evaluate the president.
- Regularly evaluate its own performance and demonstrate to the tribal and non-tribal community that it carries out its responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner.
- Approve the annual budget and the long-range financial plan and review annual fiscal audit report.
- Be knowledgeable of the College’s accreditation status and assist in the accreditation process.
Adopted: Policy has been in place prior to Sept. 2003
Revised: 1/13/2016, 3/17/2023