310.30 Management of US Government Excess Property

SKC personnel are responsible for following federal and college policies and procedures when acquiring, utilizing, and disposing of federal excess equipment.

  1. Definition
    Federal excess property is property that has been declared excess to the needs of a federal agency. By declaring the property excess, the agency permits allowable college programs to request to use the property.
  2. Access and Control
    Access to the Federal Excess Property Utilization Program is controlled by the Vice President of Business Affairs.
    The Vice President of Business Affairs will be responsible for maintaining an inventory of all acquired U.S. Government Excess Property.
    1. Non-reportable property (value less than $5000.00) shall be monitored for one year from acquisition date.
      1. Reportable property (value over $5000.00) shall be monitored until disposition.
      2. The following information will be maintained on all of SKC’s U.S. Government Excess Property:
      3. Description
      4. Identifying Number (serial, model, etc.)
      5. Acquisition date
      6. Agency acquired from
      7. SKC Department assigned to property and date assigned
      8. Date of disposition
      9. Means of disposition
  3. Restrictions
    Regardless of value or condition, in no case may a college employee remove excess property for personal use, distribution to third parties, or sale.
  4. Disposition
    The disposition of all U.S. Government Excess Property acquired by SKC will be in compliance with all federal regulations/policies. U.S. Government Excess Property that is determined excess to the College shall be disposed of in the following manner:
    1. Transfer property to other SKC programs
    1. Offered for sale through bid, auction, or exchange for services or goods
    1. Sold as scrap to vendor at highest offer.
  5. Proceeds from the disposition of Federal Excess Property will be deposited into the Federal Excess Property Account.


Moved from Unnamed Policy, Appendix C, 12/18/2020
Reviewed: 11/2020

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Salish Kootenai College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Salish Kootenai College | PO Box 70 | 58138 US Highway 93 | Pablo, MT 59855 | 406.275.4800.