The following are grounds for demotion, suspension or termination:
- Theft or willful misuse or abuse of SKC property.
- Insubordination
- Unauthorized absence or excessive absence or tardiness (Not more than 5 unexcused absences in a rolling calendar year)
- Misappropriation or willful falsification of records regarding funds.
- Acceptance of solicitations, bribes or favors.
- Intoxication, consumption of illegal drugs or alcohol while on the job or during a College activity.
- Neglect of duty or inefficiency.
- Serious personal misconduct while on the job, such as assault, battery, verbal abuse, etc.
- Violation of laws and safety regulations.
- Falsely counterfeiting or forging any form of request.
- Failure to comply with the conditions set forth in Section 261.20, Drug Free Work Place.
- Concealing, removing, mutilating, obliterating, or destroying program records or documents.
- Use of SKC technology resources to: 1) willfully receive, create, transmit or disseminate images, audio, video, text, e-mail or other electronic media that are generally considered sexually explicit, 2) run a personal business, 3) gamble, or 4) harass, threaten, or intimidate others. Refer to the SKC Acceptable Use Statement for clarification.
- Violation of Tobacco Use on SKC’s Campus
- Violation of Dress Code
- No Call No Show for three consecutive days
This list is not intended to be considered all-inclusive.
Adopted: Policy has been in place prior to Sept. 2003
Revised: September 2010, 8/21/13, 04/15/15
Reviewed 1/2018, 9/2020